Monday, October 20, 2014

Look No. 6

Baby Bat Princess

Events Featured in this post

The Glow of Night

My Goshers this bat stuff cyutes

Dancing wif mine punkin

Flappin Mine little wings

Yes Ms. punkin you look wonderful

Time a go find trouble

Ok Dis it for da night Eberybaby, I getting tired of photoshoppin tonight. I gots so many more things a show you though and I can not waits for it. I got this pretty bat dress and had to match it wif mine new bat tights and headband and wings! I feel all ready for punkin carvin or whatever fall activities mine mommies and daddy might want to do tonight. I really happy with all the items at the Trunk or Treat and I def think you should be going and grabbin and nabbin some goodies. There lots of good freebies ebens. Mine headband is from Tiny Trinkets, and it comes in orange or black, one of mine new sponsors and she makes lots a pretty accessories for outfits, so now dis toddler can always look her best. Want to get my look click belows.

Body Co.
Shape is my own
Babeh Clothes.
The Toys and Props!
Where am I?
Outside Mine New home outside

Ok Eberyones I done for the night 3 posts a lot at once, and I still gots update mine sponsor on the side dere so you can see whats coming next. I pretty much love dis time of year so I sure there be plenty more tomorrow, but has a good ni ni eberyone and stay safe, happy, and sparkly.

~Loves Always~ Kali

Look No. 5

Trick me or Treat Me

Events Featured in this post

I tried to eat the whipped not ebdible

This coffee legit eben got check boxes

Look at dis trick or treat girl punkin bag

Look I deerbucks lol jk jk

And here the boy version of the punkin bag no bow fellas.

Hi Again Eberyones! I back already, but I just could not be ask'd to wait and show you dis costume. Mine mommeh keeps trying a get me take it off and save it for da coming Holiday, cepts I luff coffee even though I 3 and I dont eben want to take it off. I love how yummy the whipped cream looks all sprinkled wif pinky sprinkles. Mine hair looking all nummy with its whipped cream and straw and look how dorable I am as a strawberrychipino. I Luff how pink it is. Now dis outfits in a gacha and acus of this you going to has to play to get all the parts of you coffee outfit. There two other flavors and I tried really hard to get all of dem. Allrights so here your links go get yourself hyped up on a cutie coffee costume.

Body Co.
Shape is my own
Babeh Clothes.
The Toys and Props!
Where am I?
Outside Mine New home outside

Allrighty, dats almost mine last post tonight afor I figure out some more outfits. I know I already say dis but has a wonderful night eberyone and stay safe, happy, and sparkly.

~Loves Always~ Kali

Look No. 4

Fun Fall Play

Events Featured in this post

Jumping in!

Making Leafs Crunch!

Watching them Fly

If leafs was pennies I be reach

Whats you dont get to see is a leaf getting caughted in Mine mouth!

I going catch these ones

Almost got dem but the wind carried them away

Ohai Eberyones! I been away for kinda a long time but I was going through some transitions. I got a new family and am sorta starting fresh! But I gots so many fun things to share with you and I eben gots some new sponsors (Dat means people I gets a show off their pretties for). So today I wented outside to play while mine parents was busy and I found dis Huge pile of leafs. I knew I just hads jump inside it. Thank goodness for mine new favorite warm woven jacket I didnt eben feel a bit of cold weather on mine tiny baby body.
Mine favorite thing about fall time is the crunchy brightly colored leaves and my second is the smell of them when they burning. So I spent mine morning jumping and tossing leafs and watching the wind carry them away it was so much funs. Here is how you can get your own comfy cute look for playing in fall weather.

Body Co.
Shape is my own
Babeh Clothes.
The Toys and Props!
Where am I?
Outside Mine New home outside

I got to go try on mine costume now and some clothes I got at the trunker treat So I know I be seeing you later. Has a wonderful day eberyone and stay safe, happy, and sparkly.

~Loves Always~ Kali (yep I gots a new name)